
0.6 GW

of renewable capacity

3,4 TWh

generated of gross electricity in 2023

1.4 GW

total installed generation capacity in the Group’s power plants

The operation of this Business Line is based on four Generation Areas: the Ostrołęka Power Plant, Hydro, Wind and Other (including cogeneration – CHP). At the end of the third quarter of 2023, the total installed generation capacity in the Group’s power plants was approx. 1.4 GW.

During three quarters of 2023, the Group generated approx. 2.5 TWh of gross electricity, relying on a mix of sources such as water, wind, photovoltaic Energy, biomass and coal.

The Energa Group owes its strong position in terms of the percentage of renewable electricity in the total energy mix primarily to the generation of energy in hydro- and wind power plants. Green energy is produced by 45 hydro power plants, 6 wind farms as well as biomass-fired installations (Energa Kogeneracja) and 9 photovoltaic installations.

The generation leader is Energa Wytwarzanie.